Current Issue

Issue: 22, 12/31/24

Year: 2024

Marmara Journal of Social Research  started to be published in 2011. Our journal aims to publish national and international high quality research papers in the basic and sub-fields of humanities, social and administrative sciences.

The target audience of the journal is consisted of academicians, researchers, professionals, teachers and students, vocational and academic institutions and organizations.

Articles submitted to the journal must not have been previously published on any journal and mustn't be sent for publication elsewhere. All original and qualified studies that can contribute to scientific knowledge are evaluated through a meticulous editorial and peer review process.

Marmara Journal of Social Research is committed to scientific principles, rules and ethical frameworks within the principles of transparency, science and business ethics.

At the beginning of the paper, after the title of the article and the name of the author, a Turkish summary of 50 to 150 words stating the purpose of the article, the methods used and the issues in the study must be written, followed by the keywords related to the article. Then, the English title of the article and the English abstract text that is consisted of 50 to 150 words (with the title of Abstract) and the English keywords related to the article must be included. Furthermore, in addition to keywords, JEL code(s) mustbe written according to JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) classification..

•The title of the article must be written centered on the page and the names of the author(s) and their academic titles should be written on the bottom right of the title. The institution and e-mail address of the author should be given as footnotes on the first page.

•The articles to be sent must be written in Microsoft Word program with Times New Roman font, 12 points, 1.5 line spacing and justified. The abstract must be written with 10 point size and 1 line spacing.

• Margins must be top 2.5 cm, left 2.5 cm, right 2.5 cm, and the spacing between paragraphs must be  0 pt first, then 6 pt.

• The main title should be written in all capital letters, while the other headings should only be written in capital letters.

The rules stated in TÜBİTAK address are valid in the bibliography writing rules.


Authors are written in alphabetical order according to their surnames.

In Periodic Publications: Author's surname, Author's initials. Year. “Article Title”, Journal Title, Volume (Issue), Page Numbers.


Huth, E. J. 1986. “Guidelines on authorship of medical papers”, Annals of Internal Medicine, 104, 269-274.

Books: Author's surname, Author's initials. Year. Title of the book (Number of Editions). Place of Publication: Publisher.


Dobson, S. and Palfreman, S. 2004. Introduction to Economics (5th Edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Chapter in the Book: Author's surname, Author's initials. Year. “Chapter title” or page numbers. The title of the book. Editor(s)/Preparer(s): Editor's/Preparer's surname, Editor's/Preparer's initials. Place of Publication: Publisher.

Arıman, A. 1978. Sayfa 41. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics. Editör: Wilconsin, D. New York: Pergamon.

Texts available on the Internet: Author's surname, Author's initials. “Title of the Text”. The name of the internet address where the text was published. Internet address, Latestaccess date: Day Month Year.

Clark, C. “Physicists Crack Another Piece of The Glass Puzzle”. R&D Magazine.
Last access date: December 15, 2012.

Institutional report/statistics/figure/table on the Internet: Institution/organization to which the page belongs. “Cited section/table/figure title”. Internet address, Last access date: Day Month Year.

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. “Ratio of R&D Expenditures to GDP”.
Last access date: December 15, 2017.


- For the papers written by a single author, only the surname of the author and the year of publication in parentheses are indicated.

Example: Williams (1990).

- For the papers written by two authors, the surnames of the authors are written with the conjunction "and" respectively.

Example: Newman and Taylor (2008).

- For the papers written by two or more authors, the surname of the first author and "et al." expression is used.

Example: Robertson et al. (2000).

- For multiple works published on different dates by the same author at the same time, the dates are shown in chronological order. For multiple works of an author published in the same year, a distinction is made after the year in alphabetical order.

Example: McLean (2000a, 2000b, 2004).

- If the citation is used in parentheses, the year is not given in parentheses. If more than one source is to be cited in parentheses, “;” is used to separate sources.

Example: (Cameron et al., 2000; Proctor, 2012).

-Internet addresses are cited as shown in the examples below.

Example: Richards (2012),

Example: National Transportation Safety Board (2012).

When citing authors' names in the text, it is mandatory to indicate the year.

Example: According to Aksu (2021), organizational memory studies are divided into three.

Example: Organizational memory studies can be divided into three (Aksu, 2021).

Page numbers should also be given in directly quoted statements which do not exceed 3 lines.

Example: Most of the members who form the core of the scientific community work in colleges and universities (Neuman, 2009: 14).

Direct quotations that exceed 3 lines should be written in quotation marks, italicized and placed on both sides of the normal text space.


"Marmara Journal of Social Research , which started to be published in 2011, is an international, open access, peer-reviewed and scientific electronic journal published at least twice a year (June and December) by Marmara University Vocational School of Social Sciences. A double-blind referee process is applied to articles submitted in Turkish and English in Marmara Journal of  Social Research." (Marusad, 2020: 3)

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
Marmara Journal of Social Research aims to implement scientific publication ethics at the highest standards and by the Committee on Publication . It is committed to abide by the following principles of Core Practices, based on recommendations and guidelines developed by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for journal editors.
Manuscripts to be sent to Marmara Journal of Social Research must not have been published before, included in the publication program, or not in the evaluation phase for publication in another journal.

Marmara Journal of Social Research adopts the standards set by COPE in applying its publication ethics. In this context, in cases of abuse or violation of publication ethics, it references the publication ethics flowcharts ( developed by COPE.

Marmara Journal of Social Research guarantees the anonymity of the authors and referees during the submission of the submitted manuscripts for peer-review, in accordance with the double-blind referee process it has adopted.

Confidentiality of information about the author is the responsibility of the journal. However, this information may be shared in a potential investigation to investigate possible abuses. Marmara Journal of Social Research defines its principles regarding possible abuse situations within the framework of the guidelines created by COPE and shares it with its stakeholders on its website.

The texts that are used in more than one publication of the author, although the sections of a text are not specified, are not acceptable for Marmara Journal of Social Research. In such cases, the journal applies the relevant guidelines set by COPE.

Marmara Journal of Social Studies defends and observes freedom of expression under all circumstances. In addition, the Journal; considers all kinds of racist, sexist, discriminatory content as hate speech and uses its right to reject the articles in this content without putting it into the process.

In the event of a conflict of interest regarding an article, the journal openly stands by intellectual and ethical standards; defines the ethical principles that authors, referees, editors and assistant editors are responsible for.

In the event of a conflict of interest, the Journal suspends the evaluation process of the article until the uncertainty is resolved; In this context, the Journal has the authority to request Ethics Committee Permission, Interviewer Consent Forms and documents to be submitted for the article from the applicant author.

Marmara Journal of Social Research; acts responsibly and sensitively in publishing content such as corrections, explanations, apologies, and rebuttals.

The editors and publishers of the journal are obliged to comply with legal advice in the event that duplications in an article, that is, conflicts with another publication, violate intellectual property rights.

Copyright Regulation and Conflict of Interest Policy

The authors allow MARMARA UNIVERSITY to publish the intellectual work under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. The Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license permits the work to be shared, copied, reproduced in any size and format other than for commercial use, and adapted , including re-editing, transforming, and building upon the original work, with proper attribution. Marmara

Journal of Social Research believes that potential conflicts of interest among its stakeholders will harm scientific publication ethics. The journal defines its obligations for all its stakeholders in order to detect and prevent conflicts of interest. The author declares that he accepts the matters in the Copyright Transfer and Conflict of Interest Form when applying for an article to the Marmara Journal of Social Studies.
Open Access Policy

Marmara Journal of Social Research is provided free of charge to the reader or the institution to which the reader is involved. Readers can read, download, copy, search and link the full text of journal articles without permission from the publisher or author, except for commercial purposes.

Marmara Journal of Social Research articles are open access and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) ( ).

Principles Regarding Possible Abuse Allegations

Marmara Journal of Social Research adopts COPE's measures regarding “possible abuse” situations against abuse and abuse. In this direction; It explains in detail the obligations of the publisher, editor, assistant editors, referees, editorial board and authors against possible abuse before, during and after publication, in the Principles of Publication Ethics.

In cases where the same study is sent to different publications, comparing different versions of the same studies submitted to different journals, comparing the explanations compiled from the authors and investigators regarding the submitted study, cooperating and making efforts for the investigation in cases of suspected abuse, acting together in studies aimed at the investigators/authors and/or their institutions aims to provide benefits such as

Considering the importance of confidentiality in the scientific publishing process, Marmara Journal of Social Research shares information about authors and referees only in order to prevent suspected abuse of research and to fulfill its obligation to respond.

Journal editor should make initial inquiries before sharing information in doubtful cases. Information sharing is only possible when the author is not responding, the response is inadequate, or more than one journal is likely to be affected by possible abuse.

When deemed necessary, information is shared only with assistant editors who are believed to have knowledge on the subject, and the shared information is limited to factual content only.

The Editor undertakes to protect the confidentiality of communication to the greatest possible extent.


He is the publisher of the Marmara Journal of Social Studies, the Rector of the University on behalf of Marmara University, and the Director of the Vocational School on behalf of the Vocational School of Social Sciences.

Publisher; undertakes the implementation of the principles of publication ethics of the journal by its relevant stakeholders, providing free and continuous open access to the content of the journal, archiving and protection of publications.

Publisher; In cases where there is a suspicion of violation of scientific publication ethics such as abuse, plagiarism, conflict of interest, copyright violations, text recycling, it is obliged to take the necessary steps to clarify the situation.

Editorial Board

The Editorial Board of Marmara Journal of Social Research meets at least twice a year.

Members of the Editorial Board accept the publication ethics principles and policy of Marmara Journal of Social Studies and evaluate the decisions regarding these principles and policies. They decide

what the journal's theme topics will be and who will be offered the theme (or guest editor) editorship for the number of themes.

They propose members for the Journal's Advisory Board.

They give suggestions to increase the national and international recognition of the Journal.

In cases where there is a suspicion of violation of scientific publication ethics such as abuse, plagiarism, conflict of interest, copyright violations, text recycling, they should inform the editorial team of the Journal to clarify the situation.

In order to increase the academic quality of the Journal, they offer a screening index proposal.

Editors and Assistant Editors

The articles sent to the journal are evaluated by the editors and assistant editors regardless of the authors' race, ethnicity, gender, worldview and beliefs.

For the articles sent to the journal, assistant editors determined by the editor are appointed. The assistant editor presents his/her opinion on whether the article will be included in the refereeing process by considering the Editorial Preliminary Evaluation Form. The assistant editor may request corrections from the author during

the editorial evaluation stage or make a recommendation to the editor for the rejection of the article without being included in the refereeing process. They make a detailed and constructive evaluation of the articles evaluated by the referees.

There are also articles such as evaluation articles, research notes, references, events, book and movie reviews published in the journal without the need for referee evaluation. In the journal, the distinction between peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed publications is clearly stated. If necessary, the editor can develop comments and suggestions about the category of the journal under which the submitted article can be published, and share this openly with the author. In this case, the final decision belongs to the author and/or editor.

In the articles that will enter the referee process, the editor acts with the responsibility of being the contact person between the assistant editors, the author and the referee. They carry out the refereeing process with academic courtesy, meticulously documenting every stage from the date the article reaches the journal to the publication stage. Regarding the evaluation process, the editor does not hesitate to give an account of the evaluation steps for each article, if necessary (providing that the personal rights of the assistant editors, the author and the referee, and the privacy principles of the journal are observed).

In the event that two referees give different opinions for the article under evaluation , the editor should apply for the evaluation of a third referee.

If the editor has a conflict of interest with the articles sent to the journal or is in a relationship that may cause a conflict of interest, it is entirely up to the assistant editors to include the article in the refereeing process and to follow the publication process. Since the assistant editors evaluate the articles anonymously, the emergence of a conflict of interest between the other editorial staff and the author is prevented. In case of any conflict of interest, the editor should resign from the editorial position. The editorial staff should not use any information obtained from the evaluated article for personal gain.

If the editor and assistant editors detect an error in a published article and this error invalidates the work or important parts of it, contains plagiarism, is unethical, they withdraw the article in question. In this case, the editor and assistant editors are responsible for making them circulate openly to all readers on online platforms by providing a link linking the two versions, as well as a statement that clearly states that the article has been withdrawn and the reason for the retraction.


Authors have academic, ethical and social responsibility.

Authors cannot submit more than one article to the same issue of the journal.

Article submission dates are specified in the call text of the issue, which is in the preparation phase of publication. Article applications received after the application date will not be evaluated.

The author is responsible for not committing ethical violations such as plagiarism, theft of labor, illegal references, forgetting references, and not mentioning the name of scholarship and support institutions. If the contrary is detected, the article will be rejected.

If the author has received study/research support, he should state the source in his article.

When authors submit a manuscript of any type or format, they are responsible for disclosing all financial and personal relationships that may create or be found to be biased in the study. In this context, authors must sign and upload

the Copyright Transfer and Conflict of Interest Statement Form to the system when applying for articles .

According to the TUBITAK ULAKBIM TR Index Criteria, ethics committee approval must be obtained for all studies in which humans or animals are used as subjects or data sources and must be uploaded to the system during article application. Manuscripts without ethics committee approval will be returned.

The authors are responsible for the fact that the ideas and expressions in their work submitted for publication have not been used in other previously published works. If these ideas and expressions have been used before, they should be cited where appropriate. Otherwise, the authors are obliged to correct the conflicting parts at the request of the editor or, if the article has been published, to do their part to publish a new correction.

The authors undertake that the articles they will send to Marmara Journal of Social Studies have not been previously published, included in the publication program or have not entered the evaluation stage for publication in another medium.

Authors must be accountable for validity and ethics for each part of the work.

If there is more than one author contributing to the study, the order of names sent by these authors during the application should be the joint decision of the authors.

It is the author's responsibility to include only those who have actively contributed to the study, not to include those who do not have active contributions, and to justify any request for a change in author ranking or any change in author ranking while the evaluation process for the manuscript continues. The author should be able to explain all these issues, if deemed necessary by the journal editor.

If authors detect errors or inaccuracies after publication of their manuscript, they should immediately notify the journal editor so that appropriate action can be taken.

Authors may not publish the same article, in whole or in part, in more than one journal without proper justification, permission or cross-reference. Authors are obliged to comply with the license and copyright transfer agreement they signed.

The authors agree that the articles that fail to pass the pre-publication preparation stages -APA control and correction processes- will not be published even if the refereeing process is completed.

Peer Review

Peer review adopts the double-blind referee evaluation process and fulfills the requirements of this process.

When an offer to arbitrate is submitted, the referee must respond within a reasonable time, either affirmative or negative .

If he/she does not have expertise on the subject of the study or is able to evaluate only a part of it, he/she should disclose this.

They should agree to make an evaluation within the mutually agreed timeframe, and inform in case of sagging.

Reviewers should disclose to the editor any conflict of interest that may create bias in their views on the manuscript, and if such, they should avoid examining the manuscript.

Reviewers are responsible for notifying the editor when they notice text recycling, also known as author's self-plagiarism, in articles sent to them for review.

Reviewers should not use any information contained in the article in question, which is of their own interest, before the article being reviewed is published.

If he thinks that he cannot make a fair and impartial assessment, he should report it.

If there is a study very similar to a work they are preparing or under evaluation, they should reject the evaluation.

During the Evaluation;

o Notify the journal when they realize that a non-existent conflict of interest has arisen at the time of acceptance.

o All writing and peer reviews should be kept confidential.

o Ensure that their assessment is purely scientific and will not be positively or negatively affected by personal, financial or intellectual bias.

o Do not make personal comments or unjustified accusations against the author.

o Be specific in their criticism; it should embody a general statement, for example, “previous work”; this will help the editor to treat authors fairly in the evaluation and decision making process.

o remember that this is the work of the authors and should not attempt to rewrite the work in their own preferred way if the work is written in a clear and concise manner; however, suggestions for clarifying statements are important.

o Should not contact the authors directly without informing the journal.

o Recognize any sensitivities that may arise from writing in another language and express them respectfully and appropriately.

o They should not recommend citing these studies just to increase their or their colleagues' reference count or to be visible. If a recommendation is made, it should be scientifically justified.

After Evaluation;

o Continue to maintain the confidentiality of the study and the evaluation process.

o Inform the journal if a situation arises that may affect its main comments and feedback.
o Try to respond to requests from the journal for revision and re-evaluation.

Guest Editor
Marmara Journal of Social Studies guest editors accept the journal's scientific publication ethics principles and fulfill their responsibilities accordingly.

Guest editors undertake the publishing ethics responsibilities defined for the Journal editor, from the stage they call for an article for the issue they edit, to the stage when the issue is published.

Guest editors are responsible for answering the questions asked by the Journal and sharing the requested documents, when deemed necessary within the framework of ethical principles, after the publication of the issue for which they are responsible.

When individuals accept the offer of guest editorship of Marmara Journal of Social Studies, they also undertake to fulfill their responsibilities listed above.

COPE ( Committe of Publication ) is responsible for ethical problems arising out of the above-mentioned conditions. Ethics ) publication ethics principles will be a source of reference.

Plagiarism Review Policy

Ethical violations such as plagiarism and theft of labor are deemed unacceptable by Marmara Journal of Social Research and it is primarily the responsibility of the author( s ) that such violations are not included in the submitted articles .

Dergiye gönderilen tüm yazılar, değerlendirme sürecine alınmadan önce iThenticate programından geçirilerek benzerlik raporu alınır.

Rapor sonucunda benzerlik oranının %15 ve üzeri çıkması durumunda editör ilgili rapor sonucunu yazarla paylaşarak yazıyı değerlendirme sürecine sokmadan reddederler.

Dergimizde makale işlem ücreti alınmamaktadır.